What we're eating this week
Eggs, eggs, and more eggs. Our chickens have really picked up the production. We have had brinner, boiled eggs, and egg salad.
What I'm reminiscing about
All the good memories from my Grandparent's house that burned this past weekend.
What I'm loving
What we've been up to
The usual....laundry, school work, t-ball practice, playing outside, etc.
What I'm dreading
What I'm working on
What I'm excited about
What I'm watching/reading
My guilty pleasure, Teen Mom. I can't help it.
What I'm listening to
Anything and everything. I taught a cycling class on Monday. I try to incorporate all genres of music to satisfy the whole class. My list of motivating country songs is short. I need more ideas. So far, I've been relying on my girl Miranda.
What I'm wearing
It's been raining quite a bit. I've been taking advantage of it and wearing my Hunter boots as often as I can.
What I'm doing this weekend
What I'm looking forward to next month
Love your canvas! In Indiana we renew our plates through the mail. Much better than sitting at the DMV!